1930s Italian modernism

Florence Santa Maria Novella (usually abbreviated to Firenze SMN) is the main station in Florence, named after the little church nearby.  There's been a station here since 1848, but the current station is a classic example of Italian modernism built 1932-1934.  For more about the station's history see Florence SMN Wikipedia entry.  A few trains leave from Florence Campo di Marte station rather than SMNfor information see here.

small bullet point  Overview

small bullet point  Which platform for your train?

small bullet point  Advice on changing trains in Florence

small bullet point  Left luggage

small bullet point  WiFi, ATMs, safety & security

small bullet point  Ticket offices

small bullet point  Executive & Club class lounges

small bullet point  Restaurants, cafes, bars

small bullet point  Hotels near the station

small bullet point  Taxis & walking from station to sights


small bullet point  Florence Campo di Marte station

small bullet point  Florence Rifredi station

On other pages

small bullet point  Trains between London & Florence

small bullet point  Trains between Paris & Florence

small bullet point  Trains from Florence to other European cities

small bullet point  Trains from other European cities to Florence

small bullet point  Guide to train travel in Italy

small bullet point  General information for European train travel

Station overview Location map

There's a plan of the station at www.gsretail.it/en/network/firenze-santa-maria-novella (click EN for English).

Florence SMN exterior

Florence Santa Maria Novella, exterior

Florence SMN side exit and taxi rank

Exterior showing portico, side entrance and taxi rank.

Florence SMN ticket hall

Ticket hall (Salone Biglietteria). The entrance from the portico is behind the camera, looking towards the concourse, Italo & Trenitalia ticket offices on the left.

Florence SMN concourse

Concourse, looking across the width of the station with platforms to the right and the ticket hall through doorways to the left.

Florence SMN station concourse

The partition between concourse & platform area.  Your ticket is checked entering the platform area.  There's no check when leaving the platform area.

Florence SMN area behind platforms

Platforms circulating area, behind the buffer stops.  You can change trains between all platforms without any ticket check.

Florence SMN platforms

Platform 12, with the 15:48 Frecciarossa 500 about to leave for Rome & Naples.

Which platform for your train?

Changing trains in Florence

Florence SMN platform 5

To reach platforms 3 & 4, walk along platform 5.  Trains to Siena, Lucca & Pisa typically leave from this side of the station.

Florence SMN platforms 2-5

Platform 2 (on the left) and platform 5 (on the right) with platforms 3 & 4 set back between them.  That's a double-deck regional train to Pisa on 5 on the right, and a regional train to Siena on platform 4.

Left luggage

Florence SMN area behind platforms


WiFi, ATMs, safety & security

Ticket offices & ticket machines

Florence SMN ticket hall

The ticket hall (Salone Biglietteria), looking towards the Trenitalia ticket office and exit doors to the portico.

Executive & Club class lounges

Somewhere to eat or drink

Hotels near Florence SMN

Local transport

More information

Campo di Marte station

Campo di Marte station is a through station on the edge of the city centre.  Some trains by-pass Florence SMN but call at Campo di Marte.

You can walk from Florence SMN to Florence Campo di Marte in 39 minutes, 2.8 km, see walking map.  Or take a taxi, or take a regional train, these link Florence SMN and Florence Campo di Marte regularly, check times at www.trenitalia.com.

Florence Campo di Marte station exterior

The somewhat unprepossessing main entrance to Florence Campo di Marte.  Photo courtesy of Liam Cromar.

Florence Campo di Marte station exterior

A secondary entrance, with the main entrance in the background.  Photo courtesy of Liam Cromar.

Rifredi station

The other station of any note is Firenze Rifredi, located 3km north of SMN, see location map.  There are a few Milan-Rome Intercity trains that call at Rifredi but not at SMN or Campo di Marte.

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