A great perk if you work for a UK train company!
If you have worked for a British train operating company for over 12 months and are entitled to reduced rate or free travel on British trains, you are almost certainly entitled to free or reduced rate travel on most European trains as well. Your partner and dependent children also qualify. This is an amazing perk, though it's often not 'advertised' by your employer. Network Rail safeguarded staff employed before 31 March 1996 also get this perk, although NR staff who joined after this date don't.
How does it work?
There are two basic options for travelling in Europe on 'privs': (1) using an FIP International Reduced Rate card to get a discount or (2) using FIP International Free Travel Coupons for (in most cases) completely free travel.
(1) FIP International Reduced Rate Card & how to get one
You can apply for an FIP International Reduced Rate card by filling in the relevant online form at www.raildeliverygroup.com/rst/forms.html, giving at least 6 weeks notice.
An FIP card lasts for 2 years, but as you need to apply for one at least 6 weeks in advance, I recommend applying even if you don't yet have any travel plans. That way you'll have one when you need it, for example you find yourself abroad unexpectedly needing a train ticket!
Which train operators does FIP cover?
The card gives you reduced rate travel on most European railways, including Eurostar, any time you want to go.
You can check which operators are covered (and which are not) at fipcard.eu.
Just show your card at a European station, and you can buy tickets with the relevant discount or special fare. The card covers most trains in most countries, notably except Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Sweden.
What is the discount?
Most European national railways give either 50% or 75% off their normal full-price fares, but note that this means 50% or 75% off their full-flex standard price, not off the cheaper advance-purchase fares you'd otherwise buy. However, Eurostar and a few other services such as TGV-Lyria have special priv fares for FIP cardholders.
The class of travel is the same as you get in Britain, so if you get 1st class priv travel in Britain, you'll get 1st class priv in Europe too.
For more information go to www.raildeliverygroup.com/rst/where-can-i-go.html, look for Staff Travel in Europe.
FIP fares on Eurostar and how to buy them
There are special rates on Eurostar for holders of FIP cards, you can buy these from Eurostar telesales or from agencies such as International Rail on 0333 003 0423 or Trainseurope on 01354 660222, or via www.bookmyrst.co.uk.
London to Paris or Brussels costs £34.50 each way in Standard or £52.50 in Plus (1st class) with an FIP card.
For safeguarded (ex-BR) staff it costs £23 in Standard or £38 in Plus (1st class).
London to Any Belgian Station costs £46.50 each way in Standard or £70.50 in Plus (1st class) with an FIP card.
London to Rotterdam or Amsterdam costs £44.50 each way in Standard or £62.00 in Plus (1st class) with an FIP card.
You can check these priv Eurostar fares at www.raildeliverygroup.com/rst/where-can-i-go.html, look for Staff Travel on Eurostar.
Online FIP tickets to/from/within Germany:
Once you have an FIP card, you can book FIP-rate tickets in Germany online at www.bahn.de/buchung/start?KL=2&ET=FIP_SONSTIGE (this is new from October 2024!). It'll also book international tickets between Germany and neighbouring countries, such as Brussels to anywhere in Germany, Rotterdam or Amsterdam to anywhere in Germany, and Germany to Switzerland, Austria, Denmark, but not (it seems) to or from Paris. Remember that FIP is a discount off the full-whack Flexpreis, it can be cheaper (but less flexible) to buy a normal non-FIP Sparpreis fare.
How to buy FIP tickets in other countries
You'll find some information on this if you search for the relevant country at fipcard.eu.
(2) FIP International Free Coupon Tickets & how to order them
At least 3 weeks before you want to travel, you can order an International FIP Coupon Ticket for each of the countries you intend to visit by filling in the relevant online form at www.raildeliverygroup.com/rst/forms.html.
You'll get one free travel coupon ticket for each country you ask for, see the example below. The notice period was reduced from 6 to 3 weeks in 2011 and to 2 weeks in 2018, but seems to be back to 3 in 2023.
You are entitled to order one International Free Coupon for each European country per year, or 2 per year in a few cases such as the Netherlands and (if you're salaried staff) France and Belgium.
Each coupon has 4 boxes printed on it, and when you write the date in a box it gives you 48 hours free travel on that country's national rail network from 00:00 on day 1 to 24:00 on day 2. Most inspectors understand that it's 48 hours not 24 hours, but in my experience in a few cases you'll have to politely insist that this is the case (on day 2 of the 48 hours, watch inspectors carefully to see that they don't start writing the date in a second box!)! For international journeys, you simply need a coupon for each of the countries through which your route passes.
Note that these International Free Coupons don't work at all on Eurostar (London-Paris, London-Brussels & Paris-Brussels-Amsterdam/Cologne), Lyria (Paris-Switzerland), or Paris-Italy TGVs, plus a handful of other services, as these offer special FIP Leisure Fare with the FIP Reduced Rate Card instead.
The class of travel is the same as you get in Britain.
The coupons are valid for 3 months from the date they're issued.
If you use a coupon in a neighbouring or adjoining country, you cannot return to your home country, then go back and start travelling in those neighbouring or adjoining countries again using the unused boxes or coupons within the same booklet. For Great Britain, 'neighbouring or adjoining countries' used to be defined as including SNCF (France), SNCB (Belgium), NS (Netherlands), NIR (Northern Ireland) and CIE (Ireland), but from 2020 this has changed and only Eurostar, Stena Line Irish Sea and Stena Line North Sea now count as adjoining the UK. So there is now no problem (for example) in using one or two boxes on an SNCF coupon in France, returning to the UK, going back to France a week later and using the remaining boxes, assuming this is still within the period of validity of your coupons of course.
Obviously, even if you go with the International Free Coupon option, it's best to get an FIP card as well as backup, and for use on those services where the coupons don't work.
How to make reservations
The normal fees apply for seat reservations, couchettes or sleepers, as for a normal ticket holder. It's compulsory to reserve and pay supplements for some trains, the arrangements and cost for particular train types are broadly similar (perhaps 80% similar) to those for Interrail pass holders, see the country by country guide on the Interrail page and treat it as a rough guide. Italy is an exception, where special fares apply for staff.
You can buy FIP-rate tickets and reservations at stations in Europe, or in the UK as follows:
Option 1, International Rail who have the current official contract for handling staff bookings. FIP booking requests must be submitted through their dedicated Rail Staff Travel page at www.bookmyrst.co.uk, they no longer accept phone bookings. Feedback appreciated.
Option 2, Trains Europe (www.trainseurope.co.uk) on 01354 660222, lines open 09:00-19:00 Monday to Friday, 10:00-15:00 Saturdays & Sundays. They do FIP tickets, one traveller has already reported great service. Feedback appreciated.
Option 3, Ffestiniog Travel (www.ffestiniogtravel.co.uk). FIP booking requests must be submitted by email to rail@ffestiniogtravel.com.
Option 4, direct with SNCF (French Railways) on 00 33 1 84 94 3635. There's a phone menu with an option for an English speaker. You will need names and dates of birth of all passengers. Tickets for Eurostar and French-run trains can be booked over the phone and emailed to you.
More information, a discussion forum & to read up on the small print
I've simplified things a bit In the explanation above. The place to read up on the details is at the ATOC/Rail Delivery Group website, www.raildeliverygroup.com/rst.html.
Notably, see the documents linked from this page: www.raildeliverygroup.com/rst/where-can-i-go.html, starting with the first PDF document 'Where can I go' and looking for section 6 on page 23, 'Travel facilities on Foreign Undertakings'.
Also see www.raildeliverygroup.com/rst/conditions-of-issue-and-use.html
How to apply
Contact your personnel office to ask for details.
Application forms: www.raildeliverygroup.com/rst/forms.html.
More information welcome
Feedback would be welcome, if you're a member of rail staff and use your free or reduced rate European travel facilities.