The Vilnius-Riga-Valga train. Photo courtesy of Timo Wright |
The Baltic capitals are now linked by train!
In December 2023, Lithuanian Railways (LTG Link) introduced a daily Vilnius-Riga train which has been so successful it has surprised LTG Link themselves. On 6 January 2025 train travel in the Baltic States took another step forward, as Lithuanian, Latvian & Estonian railways co-ordinated their timetables to create a daily Vilnius-Riga-Tallinn train service with changes at Riga & Valga. From 10 February the change at Riga is eliminated and you can travel from Vilnius to Tallinn with just one change at Valga, with a one-stop-shop for ticketing too! It's cheap, easy to use and an enjoyable alternative to hours in a bus.
On other pages: Warsaw-Vilnius by train
How to read these timetables: Read downwards. Each column of times is a train you can take. A horizontal line means you need to change trains.
How to check these train times: You can heck Vilnius-Riga-Valga-Tallinn times at You can also check Riga-Valga at, click EN for English top left. You can check Valga-Tallinn times at, click EN for English top right. In Estonian, Riga = Riia. Times may vary, always check.
Vilnius to Riga is 348 km (216 miles). Riga to Tallinn is 441 km (274 miles).
How much does it cost?
Vilnius to Tallinn (or vice versa) costs €39 in 2nd class, fixed price.
Vilnius to Riga (or vice versa) costs €24 in 2nd class, €34 in 1st class, fixed price, includes seat reservation.
Riga to Tallinn (or vice versa) costs €30.50 in 2nd class, fixed price.
How to buy tickets
Buy tickets at
Since February 2025 you can buy tickets between Vilnius, Riga & Tallinn in either direction at Lithuanian Railways
Booking opens around 29 days in advance. You print your own ticket or can show it on your phone.
You should book in advance if you can as reservation is required on the Lithuanian train so it can sell out.
Tip: If you want to travel in 1st class on the Vilnius-Riga part of a Vilnius-Tallinn journey, you'll need to split the booking, booking Vilnius-Riga in 1st class then Riga-Tallinn in 2nd class. The Vilnius-Valga train operates as 2nd class only between Riga and Valga.
Pets, bikes, Interrail & Eurail
Vilnius to Riga: Bicycles carried for €10. Small pets in containers free, larger pets €5.
Eurail & Interrail holders need a reservation, this can be made online as shown on the passholder reservations page.
Riga to Valga: Bikes & pets carried for a fee, add a baggage ticket when booking.
Eurail & Interrail holders don't need any reservation.
Valga to Tallinn: Bikes carried for a fee (free November to March), add a bike ticket when booking.
Pets carried free, in the train's C-area marked with a pet symbol. Pets not allowed in 1st class.
Eurail & Interrail holders don't need any reservation.
Route map
What are the trains like?
1) Vilnius - Riga - Valga by Lithuanian train
The train is operated by a Pesa 730 diesel unit, It's air-conditioned with comfortable seating in 1st & 2nd class, drop-down tables, toilets, large luggage racks, free WiFi, wheelchair space and accessible toilet, see virtual tour at
Hot & cold drinks (including latte or cappuccino bean-to-cup coffee), snacks and sandwiches can be ordered from a menu and brought to your seat by the train staff working out of a small catering compartment. In 1st class, a small bottle of still or sparkling water and a coffee are included. The train operates under contract to Vivi (Latvian Railways) between Riga & Valga so is designated 2nd class only on this sector.
The train from Riga to Vilnius, at Riga station. Courtesy of Scott Gasson.
2) Valga - Tallinn by Estonian train. These smart new air-conditioned local trains have on-board information screens, free WiFi & power sockets for laptops & mobiles. First class seats are also available.
Above, the Estonian train for Tallinn, at Valga. Photo courtesy of Martin Kop.
Estonian train inside & out. Photo above left courtesy of Chris Rushton, above right courtesy of Daniel King.
Above, the Estonian train at Tallinn station. Photo courtesy of Jeremy Nicholls.
Stopover in Valga?
There are other trains between Tallinn & Valga, so you can stop off for a few hours if you like, check times at
Valga in Estonia and Valka in Latvia were one town until 1920. Now twin towns, the station is in Valga on the Estonian side. It's reportedly not a bad place to spend a few hours. Estonia and Latvia are in the Schengen area so there are no border controls, you can walk back and forth across the border. Indeed, there's an International Swing on a pedestrian bridge over the border in Valga town, you can swing back and forth between countries!
There are free luggage lockers in the station hall, they just require a €1 or €0.50 coin as deposit.
The main departure board at Valga only shows Estonian trains, not the Latvian train to Riga, so don't worry when you don't see it listed! You'll recognise the Latvian train from the photo below, it typically leaves from platform 2.
Restaurant Lilli ( a 14 minute walk away and is a good place to go between trains, see walking map. A menu is available in English.